In the current FID dashboard, we get two decay curves (real and imaginary). Where can I find a dashboard that plots the absolute value of the FID to sample several points along the decay and calculate the decay rate?
Hi Liad and welcome to our discourse channel.
If the FID is phased properly i.e. the imaginary part is minimised and looks almost like a constant the T2* measurement should be done from the real part of the FID decay. If properly phasing the signal is impossible then you can export the data and post process it in the notebook by takig the absolute of the FID signal
What type of sample are you measuring?
Hope that helps.
Hi Liad
You may be able to use the real part if the frequency is set correctly as Sergei mentioned, but I have made a modification to the FID dashboard for you to show magnitude in case that’s more convenient:
FID_Liad.py (2.6 KB)
To use this file you will need to add it to the user dashboards directory, as the system dashboards directory may not be modified. First create a directory at the top level named “dashboards” if it does not already exist using the New Folder button:
Drag the FID_Liad.py file into the dashboards directory, or use the upload button:
Reload the dashboards by clicking View->Activate Command Palette then Reload Dashboard Apps.
Finally refresh the browser page and you should see “FID Liad” at the bottom of the dashboards list:
If you have some familiarity with python, you may be able to modify the FID example notebook to measure T2*, but if not I hope this works.